Global Commercial Insurers’ Association (GCIA) announces the appointment of a new Chair and Vice Chair
The appointment of Marc Lipman as Chair
Toronto, ON, May 14, 2021 – The Directors of the Global Commercial Insurers Association (GCIA) are pleased to announce the appointment of Marc Lipman as Chair. Mr. Lipman, President of Lloyd’s Underwriters, was elected as Chair, succeeding Ms. Lynn Oldfield, President & CEO of AIG. Elected as Vice Chair is Adrian Hall, CEO Canada & Chief Agent, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions.
The Association, whose members represent a significant ratio of commercial insurance premiums in Canada, is a leading voice for global commercial insurance companies operating in Canada. The Directors on the Board of the GCIA and Company members are:
AIG (Lynn Oldfield, President & CEO)
Allianz Global Risks Insurance Company (Bernard McNulty, Chief Agent Canada)
AXA XL – division of AXA (Glen Hopkinson, Vice President, Head of Claims (Canada))
FM Global (David Thompson, Chief Agent and Country Manager for Canada)
Liberty International Underwriters (Garth Pepper, President/Chief Agent)
Lloyds Underwriters (Marc Lipman, President)
Swiss Re Corporate Solutions (Adrian Hall, CEO Canada & Chief Agent)
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. (Saad Mered, CEO and Chief Agent)
Formed in 2016, GCIA is an association where foreign-owned commercial insurance carriers are informed on current regulatory developments and advocate on issues relevant to the commercial insurance industry in Canada. Recently, GCIA has been involved in major consultations in response to various Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) initiatives including:
Guideline B-2: Property and casualty large insurance exposures and investment concentration;
OSFI Discussion Paper: Navigating Uncertainty in Climate Change: Promoting Preparedness and Resilience to Climate-Related Risks; and
Assurance on Capital, Leverage and Liquidity Returns – Federally Regulated Insurers and Deposit-Taking Institutions
The GCIA’s work complements the efforts of other insurance industry associations in order to benefit the property/casualty insurance industry and ultimately our clients.
For more information contact:
John Chagnon
General Manager